Unlocking the Potential of Student Entrepreneurship

TheStartup.com provides essential resources and guidance to universities, fostering the growth of budding entrepreneurial ventures within academic settings.

The Startup.com x The Open Incubator

Discover how The Open Incubator is using TheStartup.com to establish Ireland as a global leader in university-based entrepreneurship.


Championing Diversity and Longevity in Innovation

The Open Incubator, anchored in its core values, champions an inclusive and enduring ecosystem for innovators. Their commitment to diversity and sustainability ensures that every entrepreneur, regardless of background, receives the support and resources they need to thrive. In this transformative approach, The Open Incubator fosters a culture where all ideas are not only welcomed but celebrated.

Leading the Charge in University-Associated Entrepreneurship

With the robust support of TheStartup.com's platform, The Open Incubator is redefining university-associated entrepreneurship in Ireland. By streamlining complex entrepreneurial ecosystems, they're making the journey more accessible for academic innovators. Their collaborations with universities across the nation highlight their commitment to transforming how Ireland engages with its academic entrepreneurial talent. Through their efforts, The Open Incubator is setting the stage for Ireland to emerge as a powerhouse in global university-based entrepreneurship.


To obtain funding and other benefits , interested entrepreneurs will create an account, build their user profile and complete a journey planner on The Open Incubator platform. Each entrepreneur’s journey planner will provide them with resources uniquely tailored to their needs

The Open Incubator

Originating from Trinity College Dublin, Europe's premier university for producing venture-backed entrepreneurs, The Open Incubator is a pioneering organization leading the charge in academic entrepreneurship within Ireland. With a keen focus on supporting university-linked innovators, they provide a streamlined pathway in the often complex landscape of Ireland's innovation network. Their collaborative endeavors encompass a diverse range of universities throughout the country, tapping into the immense potential nurtured within academic spheres.

While deeply entrenched in Ireland's educational framework, The Open Incubator's ambitions extend far beyond national borders. They envision Ireland not merely as a contributor but as a trailblazer in the realm of global university-centric entrepreneurship. Their aim extends beyond mere presence—it's about pioneering, impacting, and directing the future course of academic business ventures worldwide.

Central to The Open Incubator's ethos are values that truly resonate with today's entrepreneur. They place innovators at the forefront, understanding the paramount importance of those bold enough to innovate and shape. With a future-focused approach, their strategies emphasize sustainability, promising lasting contributions. Importantly, their unwavering dedication to inclusivity ensures that innovators, regardless of their backgrounds, are provided an equitable and uplifting platform to excel.


How We Help Our Clients


“With the TheStartup.com, we found a product to meet our requirements and a company that would work with us to co-design even better tools based on many conversations, workshops, and feedback from the student founders. The platform will be the engine that powers the next generation of student startups at Trinity College, and we look forward to a long partnership.”

Gavan Drohan, Head of Entrepreneurship, Trinity College Dublin

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Why Use Our Platform?

Simplifying entrepreneurship, empowering success, and driving economic uplift in your community through our innovative platform.

Reach Entrepreneurs Everywhere

Expanding Horizons, Accelerating Innovation

Our software ensures accessibility for all. It amplifies your reach, making your essential resources accessible to budding entrepreneurs anywhere, anytime.

Help along the Way

Uncompromised Assistance, Simplified Operations

We provide comprehensive support to universities, simplifying their operations while assisting in the delivery of dynamic, personalized content for their entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Community Insight

Harnessing Data, Powering Decisions

Our platform provides valuable data-driven insights about your entrepreneurial community, facilitating informed decision making.

Time Savings

Streamlining Processes, Maximizing Efficiency

Our platform saves time by providing all the necessary tools, content, and community interaction spaces within a single interface.

Use Cases

The platform offers a wide range of functionalities to cater to diverse use cases, seamlessly accommodating various organizations and purposes.

Entrepreneurship Courses

Provide tailored learning resources, assignments, and interactive elements to your students to aid in teaching entrepreneurial principles.

Business Plan Competitions

Facilitate business plan competitions, provide students with the necessary tools to develop their plans, receive feedback, and submit their work.

Alumni Engagement

Engage alumni, provide resources for entrepreneurial alumni to continue their learning and connect with current students.

Research and Development

Manage and guide projects focused on business development, including student and faculty startups.

Some Features

Reduce the operational hassle while empowering entrepreneurial communities. We’ve built a comprehensive platform packed with diverse features for thriving communities.

Tailored Learning for Entrepreneurial Success

Our Content Management System is designed to curate personalized educational content for budding entrepreneurs, leveraging user responses and performance for precise tailoring.

Deliver diverse content, including text-based, audio, and video resources, across any range of topics.
Streamline and optimize your educational materials for entrepreneurship programs, with an opportunity to integrate existing curriculum.
Utilize dynamic questionnaires to assess user needs and deliver personalized, relevant content.
Store learning activity outputs for future reference and applications, supporting the continuity of learning and business development.
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Seamless Transition from Learning to Funding

Our Application Management feature revolutionizes how applications for grants, loans, and programs are processed, saving time for both the organization and the applicant.

Allows users to easily apply for loans, grants, and other opportunities through the platform.
Connects users with various opportunities suitable for their business needs.
Automates the conversion of learning activity outputs into application material, improving application quality and reducing time spent on paperwork.
Provides universities with a comprehensive overview of student applications, improving transparency and administrative efficiency.
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Guided Navigation to Entrepreneurial Growth

The Journey Management/Resource Navigator offers a personalized roadmap for entrepreneurial development, recommending strategic resources and next steps for users based on their progress and needs.

Creates a personalized learning journey that adapts to user progress, offering a dynamic, engaging learning experience.
Features an intuitive navigator that recommends resources and 'next best actions', promoting efficient learning and strategic business development.
Facilitates tracking of user progress for universities, supporting intervention when necessary and enhancing the overall effectiveness of entrepreneurship programs.
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Your Brand, Our Platform

Brand Customizability allows universities to create their own branded entrepreneurial communities on our platform, maintaining their unique identity while leveraging our robust feature set.

Enables universities to customize the look and feel of their entrepreneurial community, aligning with their institutional branding.
Enhances user engagement and brand loyalty among students, by providing a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints.
Ensures a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints.
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Connect, Collaborate, Cultivate

Our Community Communication feature fosters networking and collaboration within the university entrepreneurial community, enabling users to share ideas, opportunities, and experiences.

Facilitates communication among users within the university's branded community, fostering a supportive entrepreneurial network.
Promotes a culture of shared learning and collaboration, enhancing the learning experience and increasing the chances of business success.
Enables the sharing of opportunities such as internships, partnerships, and funding, directly within the community, thus enhancing the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
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Data-driven Insights for Optimized Outcomes

Our Administration feature offers universities comprehensive insights into user engagement and performance, supporting data-driven decision-making and program optimization.

Delivers real-time analytics on user engagement, progress, and performance, enabling universities to optimize their entrepreneurship programs.
Provides insights into the effectiveness of content and learning strategies, supporting continuous improvement and innovation.
Empowers universities to monitor and track funding applications, offering a comprehensive overview of student entrepreneurial success.
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